Trying Something New

Trying something new can be scary. You don’t know what you’re letting yourself in for. This is also why it’s exciting. 

You don’t know whether you’ll love it or hate it. But that’s what makes it so great. You may find a new hobby, or you may never do it again. But at least you can say you tried. 

Travelling is definitely the perfect time to experience new things as you can find out what the locals do. It doesn’t have to be physical. It could be something creative, intellectual or new skill like cooking local cuisine. 

When doing something unknown, its great to do it with friends. Not only is it more fun, but it can provide you with more confidence. You begin to learn more about yourself and each other, as well as meet new people. 

Trying something new doesn’t have to be restricted to travelling. Most communities have regular classes or groups you can join to learn skills or do activities. However, if attending these are hard, maybe ask a friend to teach you something they’re good at that you want to learn, or even YouTube tutorials. 

By pushing yourself to do something different, you’re opening your mind to fresh experiences, cultures and people. So this week I challenge you to try something new. This week I hiked Mount Jefferson, NH with a few friends and had an amazing time when I thought I would hate it. It doesn’t have to be anything major or time consuming. It can be anything from cooking a new dish from a new cuisine, to taking a dance class or learning an instrument. Good luck!  

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